Contemplative Arts

Calligraphy and Visual Arts

The simple act of putting ink on paper can be a direct way to see our mind. Fear, hesitation, confusion.our state of mind manifests on the page as we move the brush in our hand. The creative process of calligraphy enables us to see our obstacles and work with them, through the synchronizing of mind and body.

Flower Arranging: Kado and Kalapa Ikebana

CTR Ikebana
In 1982, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche formed a new school of ikebana (Japanese flower arranging) inspired by his own training and vision. Kalapa Ikebana, as this school is called, promotes the study and practice of flower arranging, often working closely with masters of other schools of ikebana.

Maitri Five Wisdoms Practice
This practice is based on the principles of the five buddha families, each of which expresses a particular style and attitude of openness. Maintaining a posture associated with each family in five specifically designed rooms heightens the characteristic patterns of energy of each family, so that both the neurotic and sane aspects of the student’s personal style becomes apparent. See also

Miksang: Contemplative Photography

CTR Camera
“You develop strength in your sight, so that when you look at the Great Eastern Sun you don’t become blinded by it. Having developed a dharmic eye, you will be able to see the Great Eastern Sun. See also

Mudra Space Awareness
This awareness practice is based on postures and movement from traditional Tibetan monastic dance. Simple yet demanding, these techniques train students in synchronizing body and mind, in relating with space, in maintaining awareness during intense activity, and in communication.

Shambhala Art

Shambhala Art is art that springs from clear perception and pure expression. The program, consisting of five sequential weekends or “levels,” is based on the Dharma Art teachings of the late Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. The Shambhala Art explores the creative process and the product we call art from the point of view of clear perception and pure expression. It is about the source of inspiration, how the creative process manifests and finally how what we create communicates that inspiration. See also